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性别 : 女

籍贯 : 江苏南京

学历 :博士研究生

出生日期 : 1992年

研究领域 :灾害管理、灾害经济损失评估

邮箱地址 :tanling@njau.edu.cn




1. 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目:基于大数据融合的气象灾害应急管理研究(项目编号:16ZDA037),参与。

2. 中国科学院学部:极端气象灾害数据互联共享战略(项目编号:2018ZWH002A-004),参与。

3. 科技部行业(气象)科研专项:台风/暴雨灾害损失及服务效益评估关键技术与系统研发(项目编号:GYHY20150216),参与。


1. Ling Tan*, David M. Schultz. How is COVID-19 affected by weather? Meta-regression of 158 studies and recommendations for best practices in future research[J]. Weather, Climate, and Society, 2022, 14(01): 237-255.

2. Ling Tan, Xianhua Wu, Ji Guo, Ernesto D.R. Santibanez-Gonzalez. Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on the industrial sectors and economy of China[J]. Risk Analysis, 2022, 42(1): 21-39.

3. Ling Tan*, David M. Damage classification and recovery analysis of the Chongqing, China, floods of August 2020 based on social-media data[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 313, 127882.

4. Ling Tan*, Kun Zhou, Hui Zheng, Lianshui Li. Revalidation of temperature changes on economic impacts: A meta-analysis[J]. Climatic Change, 2021, 168(1): 1-19.

5. Ling Tan, Ji Guo, Mohanarajah S, Kun Zhou. Can we detect trends in natural disaster management with artificial intelligence? A review of modeling practices[J]. Natural Hazards,2021,107, 2389-2417.

6. Ling Tan, Weizhi Yao, Fei Chen, Lianshui Li. Economic loss assessment of tropical cyclones based on bibliometric data analysis[J]. Tropical Conservation Science,2020,13, 1-16.

7. Ling Tan, Xianhua Wu, Zeshui Xu, Lianshui Li. Comprehensive economic loss assessment of disaster based on CGE model and IO model—A case study on Beijing “7.21 Rainstorm”[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,2019,39, 101246.

8. 谭玲,吴先华,李廉水. 基于Meta方法的气候灾害影响经济发展的文献分析[J]. 科学学研究, 2020, 38(02): 208-217.

9. 谭玲,姚帏之,李廉水,吴先华. 城市暴雨洪涝灾害直接经济损失的文献计量分析[J].灾害学,2020,35(03):179-185.

10. 谭玲,叶汶华,吴先华,刘亮. 基于灾害全过程的公众对于气象防灾减灾信息的需求分析——基于78287 份调查问卷的实证[J]. 灾害学, 2019, 34(04):195-202.

11. Kun Zhou, Ling Tan*, Lianshui Li, Gao X. The pattern recognition of China's new energy product export growth to the "Belt and Road" countries and the determination of its efficiency factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 124984.

12. 吴先华,谭玲,郭际,周蕾. 恢复力减少了灾害的多少损失——基于改进CGE模型的实证研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2018, 21(7):71-81.

